Friday, December 27, 2019

Personal Narrative Social Network Analysis - 1323 Words

Roshan Ravishankar Dr. Carton MGMT 101 2.20.2016 MGMT 101 Paper: Social Network Analysis As alluded to in the assignment description, it is useful to first define what my own personal idea of success entails. I view success as maximizing my achievement and that of my close friends and family, while defining achievement as the accomplishment of difficult and rewarding goals. Moreover, my personal ambition is to contribute to the implementation of knowledge from statistics and mathematics into the biological and biomedical sciences – either through a career in academia or industry. Maintaining a strong network can help me by serving as a source of new ideas, emotional support, guidance, and insight. For convenience, and because they are not†¦show more content†¦My first goal is to strengthen my ties with some of the individuals in my mentoring network, because my current network is diffuse and weak. My mentoring network consists of my advisors, research coordinators, and other career-oriented mentors. The density of this network is only about 15%. This group is more varied in terms of age, gender, and race than my peer network. After studying my mentoring network, I have realized that I need to improve the strength of my relationships with the members of this network. For example, I rarely interact with these members outside of instances where their direct consultation is necessary (such as when courses need to be selected, a form needs to be signed, or a roadblock is encountered in a project). This ultimately hampers my own accomplishment because it prevents me from benefiting from the advice and guidance that my network has to offer. Thus, in the future, I plan to communicate with the members of my mentoring network more frequently. First, I will keep them more updated on my progress, and not allow months to pass by without communication Sending updates will strengthen our relationship by showing them how much I value their mentorship. Second I will request their opinion and guidance more often. This will not only demonstrate my desire to better myself, but also grant be knowledge and perspective that will be helpful as a I move further in my

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Do Australia s Ip Laws Adequately Protect Fashion

LAW3406 – Intellectual Property Law Name: Hannah Redmond-Josan Student ID: U1067123 Word Count: 3131 Question: Do Australia’s IP Laws adequately protect fashion? Introduction There is no doubt that there are laws within Australia containing provisions that may be applicable to fashion products. What is less clear, however, is how feasible and effective those provisions are in protecting fashion products in practice. The fact that the question is posed is perhaps a greater reflection of the dynamic nature of ‘fashion’, which encompasses a broad range of concepts and contributors with varying intellectual property law (â€Å"IP law†) requirements. This essay will look at the ways in which existing Australian design, copyright and†¦show more content†¦The interpretation in Nintendo Co Ltd v Centronics Systems Pty Ltd has ultimately had a significant effect on the extent to which fashion may be protected under intellectual property legislation. For instance, in fashion, ‘intellectual effort’ may extend to include manufactured or handmade garments and jewellery, patterns, sketches, prints, label/brand, photography, logos, slogans and invention. The applicability of IP law to fashion is significant as it creates enforceable rights that are intended to stimulate artistic expression and technological innovation. Through common law and statute, IP law provides some safeguards that assist individuals to obtain commercial benefit from their creative and intellectual labours. The enforceable rights help to protect designers and artists in the face of an increased number of imitations, the prevalence of which has been facilitated by the overwhelming accessibility that the internet provides to designs. The difficulty in applying IP law protections to fashion, however,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Narrative Journey Into Basquiats Universe Essay Example For Students

A Narrative Journey Into Basquiats Universe Essay The media immediately appreciated Bassists innovative style: With its public presentation, this painting declared Bassists rival as a new and authentic voice in the world of contemporary art (Hoffman 130). It continues to be a crucial work when analyzing his entire oeuvre. Richard Marshall said of this early period: Basque used painterly gestures on canvases, most often depicting skeletal figures and mask-like faces (CTD. In Backchat X). Indeed, this painting depicts a solitary shape, caught somewhere between a head and a skull. Many art historians, art critics, and art lovers are mesmerisms by this one piece, But what is it that makes this painting 50 powerful and enigmatic? Why is it so characteristic tot Basque? In January 201 1, the Mums ©e dart Modern in Paris held a retrospective of Basque5 work. During my visit to the museum, I was instantly captivated by the striking Untitled 5 Sis-lead). To me, this painting is an iconic work and is key in understanding Basque as an artist. The intensity of the painting left a deep and lasting impression on me, I will therefore focus on the research question: why has the 1981 painting Untitled (Head) become Jean-Michel Bassists most celebrated work? What elements has he used to create such a paramount image? This essay will investigate the principal themes of the painting. It will evaluate the importance Of scale, and also analyze Bassists use Of color and line. Finally, it will focus on the role of anatomy and heritage in an attempt to better comprehend the underlying meaning Of the work. 6 @Scale IF?Fig. I- Untitled (Head) 1981 Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 81 x 69 1/4 in. (205. 7 x 175. 9 CM). The Eli and Teethed L. Broad Collection, Los Angels 7 Fat_limited (Head) is a work of mixed media framed in a 207 x 175. 9 CM canvas. The impressive scale of the painting contributes to striking nature. During the retrospective, this particular ivory had a deep effect on me. Indeed, the power t exudes violently captivates the viewer. Furthermore, the size of the head in relationship to the canvas is extremely important. It is placed in the centre and occupies most Of the surface in such a way that one is forced to confront it. As it is much larger than a human head, it is rather daunting, and the fact that it is so full Of life and yet so solemn makes it an incredibly powerful image, full Of emotion and inner turmoil. As previously suggested, the figure in the painting is not just a representation. It is a living entity, filled With a supernatural spirit. Basque has given life to this creature. While it is contained on the surface of the canvas, it is also a container of a universe, barely held together by fragile stitches. The head creates an enclosed space; but at the same time Basque reveals the inner workings of the mind. However, it remains difficult to decipher exactly what the painter is intending on revealing. The head is prodigious but lacks heaviness, Quite on the contrary, it has a light and airy quality, as it it were floating. Despite having seen other paintings during the exhibition, such as untitled (Boxer) 1982 or Profit 1 1982, in which are depicted physically strong figures, the overwhelming rower of Untitled (Head) was far from being contested, The viewer feels diminished by the brilliant scale of the work Color One of Bassists greatest strengths is his confident use of color, As Mayer noted, Basque used unmixed color structurally, with direct and theatrically ham-fisted brushwork (Mayer 46). He liked a saturated, subtropical palette with sunny Floridian pinks, 8 gape green, kindergarten yellow and wan pastel aqua (Mayer 47). However, Basque did not consider color as a fundamental part Of his composition, and we can see that many of his works barely contain color, while others are simply n black and White. The industrial colors used in Untitled (Head) however are visually provocative. Surrounding the head sis royal blue sea, which insists upon the idea that the head is floating. The rest Of the background is an abstraction of orange, red and white. In painting the head itself, Basque does not follow a uniform tone for skin or bones. Rather, he uses raw colors to indicate rot and decay. To create perspective. Basque uses rudimentary black strokes, casting shadows on the right side of the face. The yellows and oranges contrast by illuminating the mouth and left jailing. In addition, the entire figure is outlined y a simple yellow line. In the painting, he employs many different hues that work coherently and patch the image together, The blue and orange are complementary and create a sense tot harmony which is aesthetically pleasing. However, there is a contrast between the calming serenity of the blue and the tortured chaos of the colliding colors inside the head The entire painting is layered with intense color, which gives the head a graphic quality, while also creating texture. @Fig. 11- Complementary blue and orange, Detail of Untitled (Head) 9 ?Basque was greatly influenced by his daily life. He once said: l dont think about art when Im working try to think about life? As a result, his love of comic books, Mad, Batman, Superman, and Popeye, permeated his oeuvre and caused him to appropriate the vibrant colors of popular visual media (Emerging 38). He was greatly influenced by Roy Liechtenstein and his use of bold, saturated colors. The reverberant pigments in Untitled (Head) translate the sense of immediacy, the spasms, the movements of Bassists hands, similar to a performance (Backchat XI)_ The rudimentary brushstrokes are abrupt and untidy, accentuating the crudeness of the work. Fig. 12- Brushstroke, Detail of Untitled (Head) Throughout history, artists have been engaged in interpreting and transmitting the ephemera Of sound into the visual. According to Katydids, Color is the key. The eye is the hammer. Much like Katydids. Basque used color as a visual depiction of music, especially that of the jazz genre. The use of blues evokes the melodious feeling of jazz, while the reds and oranges manifest its unpredictability and liveliness. In the painting, Basque balances control and improvisation. His gestures are intuitive and swift, exuding spontaneity and energy. In Untitled (Head), Basque has mastered the use of industrial co lors, and once again made them his own. Another feature that pertains to Bassists artistic process is the overlapping and layering tot paints. Sing a means tot cross- hatching- building up lines in layers that overrun, in a procedure similar to Jackson Pollocks, he constructs an intricate and stunningly complex composition. 13- Cross-hatching, Detail of Untitled (Head) Bassists working also mirrors Charlie Parsers re-recording technique, characterized by the superimposing of music from different instruments (Calumets 5). The build-up of colors and the collage Of fragments invites the reader to look for a deeper meaning in the picture. In an interview by Suzanne Mallory (Clement 2000), Basque qualified his stylistic tendency to overlay and erase as his version of penitent ¶. This, in combination with his unique X-ray vision, creates a transparency effect that is so idiosyncratic Of Basque. Line According to Jean-Michel Basque, Every line means something. Indeed, line is a crucial learnt of Bassists art. It is used to delineate shapes and figures, to imply texture, to create movement. Bassists line is spontaneous, confident and contributes to the improvisational feeling of his paintings. In Untitled (Head), attention to line is inevitable. Whether it be the outline of the head, the cryptic lettering in the top left hand corner or the repeated scribbled marks, we cannot discount the effect that line has on the overall painting. In most of Bassists works, line remains non-dimensional, and produces images that do not have any depth. On the contrary in this painting, the use of line is extremely effective in creating perspective. Aquatic draws three-dimensional cubes within the skull. These box-like shapes produce the impression of chambers or rooms inside the head, with ladders and stairs connecting each unit. Pig. Chamber, Detail of ? ¶Ã‚ ©Ã‚ ¶The fact that the face is on a slight profile also lends depth to the work. The brushstrokes and graphic patterns shape and delimit the features. In addition, Basque uses a bold black outline in this painting to establish a dichotomy between the head and its surrounding. While the background remains flat on the canvas, the figure seems to be disconnecting itself from it and comi ng into existence. The repetition of line creates movement and continuity: the stitch arks resemble railway tracks, beginning at the chin and traveling up the left side of the face. The use of narrative in film EssayIndeed, Basque constantly borrowed elements from Nubian I , Egyptian and African art (Calumets 5). This can be seen for example in his 1983 painting The Nile, Basque extracted numerous symbols and objects from Egyptian and Nubian cultures and incorporated them into his painting. However, when asked about his influences, Basque claimed that he tried to fight the inclination to paint large grotesque masks (Mayer 45). Nevertheless, we will come to see that those masks are central elements to many of Bassists paintings. The artist was profoundly interested in his heritage and was always trying to define his cultural identity. He once said, Im interested in painting the black person. Hes the protagonist in most of my paintings. The representation of the African- American was a dominant focus Of Bassists work. Many art critics agree that Basque used art to process what he knew about history, about the cultural richness Of the African Nubian is a region along the Nile, in northern Sudan and southern Egypt 17 Footpads and his Caribbean roots specifically, and about the epic historical struggle of African Americans. (Mayer 43). In untitled (Head), the face seems to be scarred by suffering. The fracture in the figures jawbone exposes a line of broken teeth, which emphasizes pain and torment. Although the eyes shine with angst and despair, they are full of vivacity and personality. Through his art, Basque was trying to denounce not only consumerism, but also inequality and racism. This painting could be p erceived as a visual embodiment of the pain Basque was especially interested in the spirituality that radiates from African art. The motif tot the mask, as a spiritual energy, is temperamental in his oeuvre (Carbon De la Carry ©re 7), Indeed, Basque borrowed stylistic features of African masks over and over again throughout his career. In his paintings, masks and faces engage in a macabre dance (Bliss ©nee 18). These masks are clearly identifiable in Mitchell Crew 1983. However, we can see that Basque has wholly integrated them into his work, and in the end they become defining elements of the painting. The artist transcends appropriation: he grasps the symbolism of the mask and yet makes it unique within his picture plane. Although Untitled (Head) does not overtly depict a mask, there are elements of it which, when deciphered, show that it does contain the stylistic features of a mask. African Inflicted upon African-Americans, which underlines the idea that Bassists art is an art of rage and revolt2 (Emerging 37). F-gig_ 4- Eyes, Detail Of Untitled (Head) Quote translated by the author of the essay ?masks are usually highly complex and difficult to interpret, much like the head in this painting. The overlay Of colors and the repeated gig Gag Of the lines ornament the head and emphasize the decorative mask-like appearance. Furthermore, the grimace of the face strongly evokes the menacing expression seen on many masks. Another characteristic of a mask is the elongation of facial features. In Untitled (Head), Basque tries to contain the features in a proportional head. However, their exaggeration is still apparent: a single white line trickles down from the forehead and traces the form of the nose. The continuous stroke puts emphasis on the lengthening of the physiognomy. The mouth is reminiscent of an African mask: it is highly detailed and also enlarged in size, The slight elliptical shape of the eyes further reflects this influence, In African rituals, masks represent deities, supernatural forces that allow the wearer to possess a divine quality. Basque used these traditions and symbols as a way of reconnecting art to the human soul. In addition, the artist painted the grits fewest Africa. Grits were revered traveling storytellers who used an oral tradition of poetry and rhythm to teach people about a community history, its cultural traditions etc. Jean-Michel Basque repeatedly painted grits throughout his artistic career. They are usually presented with grinning expressions, round smooth heads and elliptical eyes, as seen in Gold Grist (1984), Flexible Gig r Grill (1384). Ay contrast, in Untitled (Head), the link to grits is not as explicit. Rather it is the figures living quality that establishes its relation to West Africa. The head takes on the role off grist: is alive with a human spirit, much like traditional African masks. In this way, Bassists painting takes on a mythical dimension. He captures the magic and power of a rich and varied heritage. The head is not simply a representation, it is a powerful and sacred talisman. Furthermore, Grits, it is decreed, are left to rot in hollow trees way on the outskirts often (Tate 2). The broken lines and use of dark colors suggest that the figure in Bassists painting is decaying and rotting itself. Moreover, a mask hovers between something that is inanimate, and something that is brought to life by ritual. In untitled (Head), the head is also trapped between two states, which emphasizes its mystical aspect. Fig. 6- Rotting, Detail of The painting is also remarkable on an emotional level, the scarred head mirroring Bassists torment and struggle as an African-Armenian. In drawing upon Africa and its Diaspora, Basque rendered himself as a celebration and embodiment of rower, as a participant and rebel against an oppressive colonial and post-colonial world, and as a victim of subjugation (Frowner 439). Few critics have actually labeled Untitled (Head) as self- portrait; but in the course of research, it appears to me that the painting is in fact a self- representation. 0 disillusion has Bassists Untitled (Head) become his most celebrated painting? From my analysis, all of the aspects discussed are key elements in creating such an iconic painting. With this work, Basque introduces perhaps the most important motif of his entire oeuvre, the head. While weaving together various ICC influences, Basque managed to metabolize elements from his daily life, and assimilate them wholly into his work. I n this way, untitled (Head) becomes Bassists ultimate painting. In my opinion, Basque has used these elements to reveal his identity. I have reached the conclusion that untitled (Head) is most likely a sellportrait, displaying the inner workings of his mind. However, the fragmented images and hybrid aesthetic also produce an ambiguous and cryptic dimension that make his work rebellious and impenetrable. Art historians will continue to classify Basque in an attempt to define his art, but as Tate erectly states: Min the end, his work evades the grasp of every camp because his originality cant be reduced to the sum of his inspirations, his associations, or his generation (Tate 34). Indeed, tailing somewhere between Neo-Expressionism, postmodernism, and Tribal Art, Basque is not easily categorized, In trying to define Basque, art critics not only restrict him and contain his work, but they also take away the magical otherworldliness and mystical depth of his paintings. It seems that the artist himself knew this: l dont listen to what art critics say. I onto know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is (CTD_ in Emerging 75).

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

War from Myceneans to Rome Essay Example For Students

War from Myceneans to Rome Essay 7 July 2002WAR FROM MYCENEANS TO ROMEThe modern day soldier did not arrive at the current level of training methods overnight. Throughout history warfare techniques and strategies have evolved from the earliest primitive battles to the latest technologies. The only way to learn about war is to study the past engagements and lessons learned. There are nine principles of war as follows: Objective, Offensive, Mass, Economy of force, Maneuver, Unity of command, Security, Surprise, and Simplicity. These are the areas of study in order to gain a better understanding of what to do and what to avoid during any engagement. The battles from yesterday differ from those in recent years and today, because the more primitive cultures fought under their leader for food, territory, or the domination of another group. Todays motives are based more on economic, political, or social reasons regarded as appropriate by a group of individuals instead of the thoughts or intentions of one man. We will write a custom essay on War from Myceneans to Rome specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Mainland Greece is the first study of warfare in the selected readings and by 1600 B.C. a civilization emerged from the Hellas culture and the Minoan culture. This group, known as the Myceneans, fought using chariots and armor made of bronze. By the eighth century B.C., the Myceneans art of war consisted of the phalanx. The phalanx was a solid rectangle of infantrymen carrying armor and spears eight deep. When an army approached another army the phalanxes of both sides would come head to head. The soldiers, who were normally citizens not professional soldiers, would find themselves in the midst of blood and sweat pouring out of the bodies surrounding them from the hand to hand combat. The only way of victory was to hold the lines strong and fight until the other side fled. The problems with this type of formation was that there was no overall leadership within the phalanx, no reserve was established to outflank the opposing army, and there was no way to pursue the fleeing enemy, left them capable to heal and fight another day. The technique of phalanx had not changed for some time and the Greek warfare stayed the same due to no major opposition force that used different techniques against Greek system. The phalanx was also used because it was a proven technique that had been tested and used successfully. Other factors governing the Greek warfare from the eight to fourth century B.C. were terrain consideration, food shortages, and the unwritten warrior code, which would not allow the Greek infantryman to aggressively attack a community itself. The Persian Imperial soldier used a different weapon, the bow, and preferred to engage the enemy from a distance. Although the average soldier also wielded a spear and a knife for close combat, the standard scheme was to launch a barrage of arrows from a safe distance from the Mycenean phalanx. A Persian foot soldier as well as a cavalry soldier usually wore little armor as opposed to the Mycenean infantry soldier. The Persians launched an offensive effort against Greece to stop the eventual takeover of their soil. The most noteworthy fact of the Persian Wars is that the Greek armies never launched an offensive attack on the Persians, but instead kept to defensive positions that protected them from wide open areas and the Persian assaults. The Persian Wars did expose a weakness; the Greek states were unprepared to cooperate together as a coalition against an outsiders attack. The problem of the city-states not cooperating was resolved by forming a new alliance, the Delian League, which was converted into the Athenian Empire. At the heart of the union was a new form of tactic, a navy to control the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean Seas. With a navy to control the waters, the trade market grew and guaranteed the Athenian control of all commercial wealth. The Athenian control of the surrounding areas caused the remainder of the states in Greece to turn to Sparta. The Spartans were a true martial culture that was left to concentrate solely on military training. The Spartans conquered the Messenians in the eight century and the dominated citizens were used to cultivate the land. The Spartan family consisted of warriors, male and female, that began training at the age of seven to the age of sixty. The sole purpose of every Spartan citizen was military service. Infants that were born less than perfect were rejected and marriages of fit male and female were encou raged. The problem with this type of culture is that there is little evidence of development in arts after the Messenian defeat. .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .postImageUrl , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:hover , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:visited , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:active { border:0!important; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:active , .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498 .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uff5c9fa144d259950a37731002eca498:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child development EssayThe Athenian and Spartan armies were the greatest powers on the peninsula (one on land and the other at sea), and the two met together only fifty years after the defeat of the Persians. When the Athenian navy placed a boycott on Megara, the Spartans were forced to try and stop the eventual total takeover of Greece. The problem of not being able to fight on the oppositions ground, either sea or land, caused the two nations to make changes to the previous Greek art of war. The lighter-armored infantry soldiers were added to the ground order of battle, which was observed from the Persian Wars to be just as effective as heavily armored infantrymen in a p halanx. The Spartan army eventually prevailed. Sparta was left as the greatest power in Greece and with that came responsibility to control the rest of the empire, but the Spartans were unprepared to hold Greece together due to the fact that the only training the citizens had received was in military not political matters. Thebes took over handling Greece from the Spartans after the victory at the battle of Leuctra (371 B.C.). By the time that Theban power had control of the empire, there was too much lost over the past Peloponnesian War and they ran out of manpower to control Greece, and were thus conquered by the Macedonian army at the battle of Chaeronaea (338 B.C.). Phillip II was the creator of the greatest military power of the time, the Macedonia army. This army used a stronger phalanx that had sixteen ranks, and its arsenal consisted of towers, rams, and catapults. After the assassination of Phillip II, his son Alexander took control as the master of Greece. Alexander the Great was the greatest military leader of his time, and he took his fathers goal of obtaining Persia seriously. Alexanders campaign took him further out of Greece and towards the end of the third century B.C., his Empire controlled lands in Syria, Egypt, Babylonia, and of course Persia. Also during this time a new army was formed in Italy at Rome. The Romans discovered that the phalanx was not an effective formation and developed the maniple. Each maniple consisted of about 120 men arranged in a checkered board pattern of 30 maniples and was proven to be effective in Italy. They key to the Romans success was that each new state was not treated as a servant, but as an ally of Rome. With Italy under its control, Rome was forced to move to surrounding areas due to troubles with the merchants at sea. Sicily became the first offshore ally of Rome during the first Punic War, but navy superiority was not established. Carthage was working on reestablishing itself under the leadership of Hannibal. Controlling the surrounding water of the western Mediterranean, Hannibal moved to engage the Romans and almost conquered them at Cannae (216 B.C.), where the largest Roman army was surrounded, enveloped, and destroyed. The Romans needed military leadership to outwit Hannibal and found it in Scipio. Scipio made the maniples stronger than ever and increased the amount of horsemen in the cavalry to solve the problem that the Romans had against Hannibal. By using adapting techniques to envelop and control sea power, Scipio was able to defeat Carthage at the battle of Zama (202 B.C.), and thus the Romans were ready to expand their empire from Spain to Asia Minor and from Britain to Northern Africa. SOURCES USEDPreston, Richard A., Alex Roland, and Sydney F. Wise. MenIn Arms: A History of Warfare and its interrelationshipsWith Western Society. (Belmont, California:Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001). Chap 1-3Warry, John. Warfare in the Classical World: An IllustratedEncyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in the Ancient Civilisations of Greece and Rome. (Norman, Oklahoma:University of Oklahoma Press, 1995). Chap 1-13

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

My Clothes Essay Example

My Clothes Essay Example My Clothes Essay My Clothes Essay Clothes can tell a lot about a person. As we all know that clothes are very important thing which can describe our personality. In order to describe ourselves we always make sure that our clothes are perfect. The are a lot of examples can tell about someone judging from the clothes he or she wears. Let’s say for example, when you are going to job interview and wear t-shirt with jeans, this would make a bad impression about you. For job interview you should be wearing something formal like a black suit. Take, for instance the colors of clothes. The colors is very important thing because each color have meaning. To be more clear, the black color is the most misunderstood color. A black tie dinner is very formal and elegant. Women can wear that must have little black dress to the black tie dinner. Also the color white the color of purity. Brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes a virgin. White means kindness. In some cultures white is worn at funerals. A final example is that in every place or event you must be careful about what you are wearing. For instance, when you want to go to consolation you shouldn’t be wearing something with brightly colors or wearing a lot of jewelry, you can do that things you are going to party or to celebrates with friends. We must be careful to choose the clothes that really represents us and that sometimes or some places have a different type of clothes which you should be wearing. Finally, always make sure that you wear the perfect thing because people will judge you from your clothes.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

social essays

social essays Soical Psychology Experiment 5-29-00 I was at this rocking party last night. I decided to use this party as my social psychology experiment. I decided to use this, because there were a lot of people interacting with one another. As I viewed the area I could see many different clicks spread around the room. It looked like they were only talking to the people among their groups. The groups consisted of five or more girls and guys. I observed the different interactions among the different groups. As I looked around I could see that some groups were huddled in a corner chatting as other were running around dancing and having fun. The groups that were dancing seem like they were much more outgoing as the groups that sat around talking. When I decided to walk outside the mood of the evening began to dim. People were gathered around the table speaking calmly. However, when I walked inside the mood changed quickly from the dim light to a out of control spotlight. People were dancing like there was no tomorrow. My first impression was that there was going to be some crazy people on the dance floor would have to be soon removed. Unfortunately my predictions were correct! I also figured that the different groups would not interact too much with each other. Some people were acting like fools just so other people would notice them, and maybe even accept them. I consider this as a type of conformity. As I stumbled upon many groups, I realized that the girls were much more in depth with their conversations as though the guys. Most of the guys were sitting there staring at all of the different girls shaking it on the dance floor. By observing this crowd I was able to conclude that girls have higher conversation level than guys. I also realized that conformity had to of taken place in order for these different groups to have formed ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Academic Writing and Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Writing and Presentation - Essay Example These people also have different needs in their lives which impact on the performance of the organization in different ways. Whilst there are certain challenges that are likely to be encountered when four generations work in one organization, it can be noted that there are also opportunities for this scenario. The findings of the article include the following: employers must make an effort to identify the characteristics of each generation of employees working in the organization since this can impact on their performance. The employers must also be in a position to build an environment that promotes productivity among all generations since they may have different perceptions towards their work. The managers should also promote mentor programs in the organization that are meant to promote learning and knowledge sharing among generational diversity in the company. It is also important for the managers to create an environment that promotes mutual understanding among the employees belonging to different generations. This helps to prevent conflicts which are often viewed as counterproductive in the operations of the organization. The main purpose of the paper was to illustrate that employees in various companies belong to different generations. There are four generations identified in the study and they try to divide different generations into clusters of individuals with the same age. The behaviour of these people is shaped by their age in particular and the experiences they encountered as they were growing up. These generations have different perceptions towards various aspects of life. Even at workplace, it can be seen that people belong to different generations have different perceptions towards their work. The traditionalists in particular are content with the traditional way of doing things while the Generation X and millennial are interested in achieving good things that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The irony in An Indians Looking-Glass for the White Man Essay

The irony in An Indians Looking-Glass for the White Man - Essay Example   The paper tells that William Apess was a Native American who accepted the Christian faith. He continued to labor among the Native American Indians as a Christian minister and advocated human rights in his sermons and writings. The period in which he wrote marked an age of cruel slavery and anti-miscegenation laws which prohibited the intermarriage between Whites and Colored people. Apess uses the notable technique of irony in which he would expose the hypocrisy of the Whites employing their own religious doctrines and ideologies.  The superficiality of the White man's doctrine is a point of argument in Apess' work. Apess observes that one "may learn how deep (the White man's) principles are...I should say they were skin deep." The foundation of the White man's objection to the non-Whites enjoyment of their inalienable human rights is based on the skin tone. Skin pigmentation or exterior is not of value in any substantial and profound argument for what lies on the inside forms t he core and matters most. In his day, Apess would have been familiar with the Great Chain of Being philosophy which privileges the Whites at the head of the human races and relegates the Other to occupy lower tiers. Whites used this concept to justify their subhuman treatment of other races. The irony of using skin color as a means to exalt oneself and debase another reveals the truth of the proverb, 'All that glitters is not gold.' In time, the surface of any object is defaced and gradually stripped away. External appearances deceive however, only nature is real and enduring. Apess reiterates: "I am not talking about the skin, but about principles." Apess makes a stirring appeal to the tenets of Christianity, the so-called White man's religion. White men would use their religion to validate conquest, segregation, and the institution of slavery, however, Apess wields the Holy Bible, the book which instructs Christians in defence of human rights, equality, justice and brotherhood. The Christian Bible quotes that "God is no respecter of persons"-"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength-Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "By this shall all men know that they are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." "Let us not love in word but in deed." Repeatedly Apess preaches to the people who should be acquainted with their own doctrines of love. Apess concept of God differs from the White man's God. Judging from the professing Christians' cruelty, greed, and antagonism, the Apess shows that according to the white man's principles, the Christian God wou ld have to be an unfair and hateful deity who would favor a cross section of people and belittle others. True religion in Apess' eyes is an inclusive religion. One which inspires love and compassion. Apess laments that in 'Christian America' there remains active practice of cruelty, systematic oppression, inhumanity and hostility. Apess argues that a Christian should never be a slave-owner for doing so puts at detriment his own soul and contravenes the founding principles of his faith. He urges the equality and brotherhood of Negroes and Whites according to the Christian doctrines and wonders at White Christian hypocrisy. To add force to his arguments, he quotes numerous scriptural texts from the Bible from Matthew, John and Romans. To hate and propagate division is not only unchristian but also unethical. God's unconditional and impartial love is a perfect example of the love that man must have for his fellow. Greed, selfishness and prejudice are the true motivators of discriminati on that have poisoned the heart, turning it from human compassion. Vices such as sloth, greed and materialism are other adverse effects of the White

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Psychology and Helpful Forum Thread Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Helpful Forum Thread Essay I love kids they are very fun to work with . it is our duty to make sure they are happy and safe. Kids have there own choices and enjoy free flow and that is the time were you can observe your child n see their interest. children and young people from birth to 19 yrs1. 1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 yrs development book on amazon. co. uk if you have problems accessing a book that contains developmental information ask your setting what titles they have to loan, if they would purchase or loan any resources for learners. Development chart thread on the forum1. 2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is importantAspects of development may include: physical communication intellectual / cognitive social, emotional and behavioural moral Helpful forum thread: rate and sequence of development Outcome 2 expects you to .. Understand the factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice2. 1 Explain how children young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors Helpful forum thread: how personal factors influence a childs development 2. 2 Explain how children ; young people’s development is influen children and young people from birth to 19 yrs1. 1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 yrs development book on amazon. co. uk if you have problems accessing a book that contains developmental information ask your setting what titles they have to loan, if they would purchase or loan any resources for learners. Development chart thread on the forum1. 2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is importantAspects of development may include: physical communication intellectual / cognitive social, emotional and behavioural moral Helpful forum thread: rate and sequence of development Outcome 2 expects you to .. Understand the factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice2. 1 Explain how children ; young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors Helpful forum thread: how personal factors influence a childs development 2. 2 Explain how children young people’s development is influen

Friday, November 15, 2019

Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care Management

Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care Management Summary There needs to be a summary of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report. Some people will read the summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information. It would be best to write this last so you will include everything, even the points that might be added at the last minute. Normally it start with past tense Introduction According to Kotter (1999), change management is a set of principles, techniques, and prescriptions embed to the human aspects of executing major change initiatives in organisational settings. It is strategic tool deploy by management to re-direct the use of resources, business process, budget allocations, or other modes of operation that radically reshape a company. The focus of this report is on Beacon Edge Care Home(BECH), a care home that provides support and care for 33 people with Dementia. An inspection was conducted on 21th and 22th of November 2016, and on the 13 of December 2016 unannounced by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the outcome of the inspection indicated that Beacon Edge Care Home has not made any improvement based on the recommendations of the first inspection conducted by CQC and the home does not have a registered manager on duty at the time of the inspection.   Regulatory body later found out that BECH does not even have a registered manager as stipula ted under Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Edwards, 2013). The Act indicated that it is mandatory that registered providers of care have a registered persons. A Registered person have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements under Health and Social Care Act 2008 and has the necessary qualifications, competence, skills and experience to supervise the management of the regulated activity (CQC, 2017). The researcher of this report will be the new manager of BECH and will be responsible for implementing change within the organisation.   The manager will need to identify and make required changes before the next inspection by CQC According to Kotter (1999), to implement change in an organisation, the firm have to understand their environment, their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas of improvement that could lead to change management. Hence, to gain a clearer of pictures of the problems facing Beacon Edge Care Home, the researcher will need to conduct a PEST analysis to identify the strength and weakness and areas of improveme nt of BECH. The key factors that can bring change in Beacon Edge Care Home management is be by conducting identifying the strength, weaknesses, areas of improvement as well as turning weaknesses to opportunities. The PEST Analysis and SWOT Analysis will be deployed as factors that can drive change in Beacon Edge Care Home. A PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment that affects all firms. It helps organisation to determine how political, economic, social and technology can impact the performance and activities of an organisation in the long-term (Daft, 2011). Political Factors Beacon Edge Care Home would assess the political factors affecting its organisation for failing to comply with regulatory bodies like Care Quality Commission. In the report, CQC indicated that their recommendations from the first visit was not implemented and BECH violated   health and safety Act 1974 by not having adequate   care plans and risk assessments to meet the individual needs of people who used their service   and medicines given to service users were poorly managed, hence people are placed at risk of not receiving their medicines as prescribed (Devorshak, 2012).BECH breaches different regulations in the BECH for not   providing adequate care for their service users. Person centred approach was not notable during the CQC visit, there was lack of good governance and staffing, servicers were given the wrong medicine and local health and social care professionals were concerned about the inconsistent of management team in the home. For the new manager to facilitate cha nge in the organisation, all regulatory bodies and environmental issues will need to evaluated and change to meet the needs of the service users. Economic Factors Beacon Edge Care Home should review their employment policies and ensure that it is in compliance with health and Social care requirement of employing candidate that have the right skill set needed in the establishment (Devorshak, 2012). The report indicated that service rendered by BECH to their clients was not adequate and staff lack the understanding and the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Training and development strategy will need to be deployed by the new manager to continually improve the skill of the workforce. Social Factors The manager of Beacon Edge Care Home would need to conduct critical evaluation how the organisation meet the needs of the patients Beacon Edge Care Home. The gap in service delivery will enable the manager to understand the areas that need immediate change (Devorshak, 2012). The CQC report indicated that employees of the organisation have no idea how to meet the cultural and social needs of the patients Technology The new manager of Beacon Edge Care Home should investigate how technology can enhance the delivery of quality service to their patients. This can be conducted by looking at current quality cycle of the service provided and factor areas that will be easier to implement with the introduction of technology. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is a strategic tool used by organisations to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and to identify their opportunities and threats (Rego and Nunes, 2010).Strengths and weaknesses analysis the internal structure of the organisation, while opportunities and threats generally relate to external factor that the business do have control of (Rego and Nunes, 2010).The researcher will focus on the internal structure of the Beacon Edge Care Home by looking at the strengths and weaknesses. Strengths The strength of Beacon Edge Care Home is the staff. People that were spoken during the inspection indicated that the staff were very caring, pleasant and helpful. Patients were comfortable with the staff as well as they find them very friendly helpful. Further, visitor to the home also indicated that the staff were excellent. The management is blessed with good staff. However, the management lack leadership and do not follow the regulatory bodies criteria especially noncompliance with Health and Social Care Act 2008. Weaknesses Beacon Edge Care Home lack leadership. CQC report on the inspection of BECH indicated that the care and service provided by the organisation is not fit for purpose. Confidential information is not kept secured and did not meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. There are catalogues of regulation breaches and there is was no registered person on the premises during the time of the inspection that can help the organisation to meet the requirement of different regulatory bodies. The two major weaknesses   are lack of leadership and skilled workers that understand the requirement of Data protection, Act, Health and Safety Act 1974 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The new managers will need to evaluate the weaknesses of the organisations such noncompliance with regulations bodies, lack of leadership and lack of training for the employees in order to implement changes in the organisation. The home has good and dedicated staff, Beacon Edge Care Home can tap into by providing leadership, firstly getting a registered person on board and providing training and development for existing staff as well as employing staff with key skills to fill the gaps identified. Opportunities The new managers can help to turn things around in the organisation. There is opportunity to recruit and train existing staff on different requirements associated with health and social care The report by CQC on BECH highlighted most of issues the company need to resolve and this   presents the opportunity for BECH to implement these changes in order to improve their rating   health and social care rating,  Ã‚   customers satisfaction, staff satisfaction and other stakeholders 1.2 The challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services Business organisations are faced with different challenges. The health and social care organisations are not immune from these challenges as well. The critical evaluation of the Care Quality Commission report on Beacon Edge Care Home clearly shows that the organisation is faced with various challenges such as: Lack of management support Financial resources Equipment Lack of leadership, Training and development for employee Shortage of staff with key skills, Maintaining quality Effective use of resources Noncompliance with different regulatory bodies. Lack of communication and coordination To implement change, Beacon Edge Care Home must address these issues. 1.2.1 Lack of leadership The CQS report on the home shows that the organisation lack leadership. Daft (2011) describe leadership as individual that have the ability to inspire, mobilise and encourage people to achieve the goals of an organisation. A leader has to be organised, have the ability to delegate task and ensure that all the arms of the business is consistent with all the goals of the organisation. Beacon Edge Care Home lack leadership that is organised, coherent and the ability to inspire staff to meet the objectives of the home (Edwards, 2013). For instance, there was no registered manager on duty during the inspection and no senior management oversight to help ensure effective quality monitoring and improvements were carried out.   The management of Beacon Edge Care Home would need to employ a registered manager according to the Health and Social Care Act 2008. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulat ions about how the service is run. 1.2.2 Lack of management support Change is hard to implement without the support of the management. Shore (2012) suggested that management should be in the forefront of supporting desirable change because such change will increase the profitability of the company. It is obvious from the case study that the management of BECH is in shambles and the management do not have an idea of what is needed to improve the delivery of their services to their patients. This is one   of the main challenges facing the organisation. The managers must employ a democratic leadership that will enable all employees to cultivate a culture of quality assurance in order for BECH to meet the regulatory bodies requirement and to effectively meet the needs of their service user. 1.2.3 Financial Resources The process of implementing change in an organisation can be affected with lack of financial resources.   Financial resources maybe recruiting top notch manager, training employee to meet the expectation of customers or fund to acquire new equipment.   In the case of BECH, the business is faced with different problems and financial constraints maybe one of them. It could be the reason why the company did not employ competent and skilled workforce for effective management of their operations and services. 1.2.4 Lack of communication and coordination Communication at Beacon Edge Care Home was ineffective, wrong drugs are given to patients, staff are not clear on their roles and management Care plans were not focused on upon individual preferences, choices, needs and abilities, in addition, patients received inconsistent care because staff focused on tasks rather than supporting people with their individual needs and preferences. The roles of individual staff need to be defined and the quality of their work would need to be monitor by their supervisor. Supervisor should schedule meetings with staff on a regular basis to communicate what need to be achieved and the approaches staff need to deployed to achieve those goals. 2.1 In relation to the CQC report on Beacon Edge Care Home, the strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care have to be effective and efficient.   Hence, it is essential to set up a system that will allow the organisation to know the changes made will work, how to know changes that resulted in improvement and which changes is most vital and have resulted in the most significant improvement. Thus, by collecting data before, during, and after the change have been implemented, Beacon Edge Care Home can measure, evaluate, and compare their home progress with respect to the goals set out. The process of measuring changes should be simple to implement and have immediate impact. Based on these facts, the researcher decided to deploy the use of questionnaires and surveys, interview with service users and employees and discussion with other stakeholders to measure improvement in the services provided by Beacon Edge Care Home. According to Davis (2010), criteria is a standard set by organisation as target that is decided upon.   Setting criteria will enable Beacon Edge Care Home to identify areas that needed improvement and base line for measurement. The Home will need to consider the new and previous recommendations made by CQC which that services provided by the Home have to be effective, responsive, safe, well-led and caring in order to meet the expectations of their service users. A strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations. The plan for strategic and measurement will need to address the factors identified by the CQO in the report and to meet the criteria of the Health and Safety Act 2008. Questionnaire is a qualitative method that can be used to   measure gather information from service user about effectiveness of the service provided. According to Creswell (2014), questionnaire is a research instrument with a written set of questions given to people to collect facts or opinions about a study. It a relatively cheaper and efficient way of collecting large amounts of information a sample of people. In the case, the questionnaire will be design to rate the effectiveness of the service provided, if the staff are responsive and caring, also if the Home conduct risk assessment on their patients and their environment. This will provide a compressive idea of the changes that have been implemented is effective and improve the level of service to the stakeholders. Questionnaire is an effective instrument because it will provide management fast result and it can be easily quantified. It can be used to measure customer or staff satisfaction. Interview is a qualitative approach of gathering information from participants. Interviewing involves asking questions and getting answers from participants in a study.   Interviewing has a variety of forms including: individual, face-to-face interviews and face-to-face group interviewing.   The asking and answering of questions can be mediated by the telephone or other electronic devices (e.g. computer (Wiley, 2014). Interviews can be structured, semi-structure or unstructured. The use of interview techniques at Beacon Edge Care Home to collate data from patients and other stakeholders will provide an insight into the quality of service rendered by the organisation. This can be a semi structured interview by asking patients about specific question about the quality of service and the organisation is meeting their needs in terms of caring, responsive and effective. These approaches and strategies will enable the management of Beacon Edge Care Home to measure the effectiveness of the changes made to meet the criteria of the CQO. CQC drives improvement in the quality of health and social care services. It regulates against the registration requirements set out in regulations to the 2008 Act. These are the essential standards of quality and safety that providers are legally required to meet. These standards therefore represent the minimum quality bar which all providers of regulated activities must meet and should not dip below. 2.2 Measuring the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria Creswell (2014) defined data collection as the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. In the case of Beacon Edge Care Home, compliance and adherence report, employee engagement and participation, Issue, compliance and error logs, observation of behaviour change, employee feedbacks and employee readiness assessment results were used to measure the recent changes against the set criteria.   Observation of employee engagement with service users, issue, compliance and error logs as well as the employee feedbacks provided crucial information about the changes made at Beacon Edge Care Home against the recommendations made by the CQO. The changes ade by the manager of BECH has enhanced the communication between care workers and service user, improved the provision of person centred care, the management if medicine which was a major problem before and effective care home engagement to ensure that patients are not exposed to any hazard or risk that may cause them harm. 2.3 The overall impact of recent changes in health and social care The recent changes made by the manager and management has improved the quality of service provided by by Beacon Edge Care Home. The appointment of a registered person that understand the criterias and codes of conduct of health and social care, enabled the organisation to comply with various regulations and legislations. For instance, a competent and qualified person was assigned by the manager to monitor and measure health and safety procedures in the organisation. This include conducting risk assessment, reports of incident, communicating changes in operational model to management etc. The registered person on the other hand ensured that training and development are provided for employees, observation conducted to ensure staff are effective and responsive on delivering their duties and survey on patients to measure their level of satisfaction. In most organisation, changing the ways of doing things can either lead to positive or negative outcome. However, the most essential is to h ave management that is open to change and not afraid to implement new approaches. Hence, Beacon Edge Care Home need to continuously monitor and measure the changes that have just been implemented and also look for areas of improvement to in order to meet the ever-changing needs of their service users (Shore, 2012). 2.4 Propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services There many approaches and techniques BECH can deployed to response to recent changes in health and social care services The Care Act 2014 underpin the way people receive care and provide a vehicle to communicate changes health and social care services. Regarding BECH, the management can response to recent changes in health and social care services through the following: Training: The case study highlighted BECH lack skilled employees that understand the regulatory requirement of working in health and social care organisation. This will need to be addressed either by employing skilled workers or providing training for old workforce to gain the competency of needed to be a care worker. Compliance with different regulatory bodies requirements: There were different breaches of regulations during the inspection by CQO. For instance, confidential data were not kept secured (Data Act violation), Health and Safety of service user and staff did not comply with the requirement of Mental Capacity Act 2005. The new registered person or manager has to ensure that the cultivate a culture of quality management and effective communication of different policies, procedure and regulations of health and social care to the workforce Continuous quality improvement of services rendered by the organisation: BECH should continue toi improve the level of their service delivery through the quality management tools like Kaizen quality control or quality cycle of Deming. According to Coy and Adams (2012) quality Management tools help organisation collect and analyse data for employees to easily understand and interpret information. Quality Management models require extensive planning and collecting relevant information about end-users. Customer feedbacks and expectations need to be carefully monitored and evaluated to deliver superior quality products. By embracing this approach, BECH, management will be able to meet and exceed the expectations of their service users. Embrace current best practice to treating people and supporting the specialist needs of people living with dementia:BECH provides care and home for people with dementia. It is essential the company lassie with other service providers, professional sand specialist in the field of providing care for people with dementia in order to provide appropriate and adequate service to their clients. Monitoring and managing medicines administered in the way that meet the requirement of the regulatory body: To meet the requirement of Mental Capacity Act 2005, the manager BECH have to monitor and manage the way drugs are administered to their patients. This was one of the findings in the inspection by CQO, patients were given the wrong drugs which can make their situation worse. 3.1 The key principles of change management In the todays business environment, change is inevitable and understanding the principles of change is equally vital. There different principles of change that Beacon Edge Care Home can deploy to meet the expectations of their service users and the objectives of the organisation. John M Fisher and John Kotter are change management theories that have made significant contribution to the subject. Others are Kurt Lewins change management model, Burke-Lewins causal change model; action research; gap analysis and Kà ¼bler Ross transition cycle. The researcher will focus on John Kotters Change Model that consist of eight stages. 3.1.1Establish a sense of urgency: Beacon Edge Care Home need to implement change immediately to meet the criteria and recommendations of the CQO 3.1.2 Form a powerful guiding coalition: The organisation need to employ a registered manager that will help coordinate the process to meet the recommendations set on the report about the Home. 3.1.3Create a clear vision; The manager and management have to set a clear vision on what they need to achieve and the changes that need to be made for the survival of the business. 3.1.4 Communicate the vision; The objectives will need to be communicated to the employees and other stakeholders. 3.1.5 Empower others to act on the vision: Training and development for employees, recruitment of skilled specialist is crucial to meet the vison set for change. 3.1.6 Plan and create short-term wins: The plan to me measurable in short term and long term to know if the changes implemented is working. 3.1.7 Consolidate improvements and produce still more change: Need to conduct survey, questionnaires and interview to measure improvement and benchmark the process in order to continuously improve the quality of the service delivery. 3.7.1 Institutionalise new approaches: After measurement of the impact of change and improvement, areas with positive outcomes and improve should be institutionalised. 3.2 How changes in health and social care are planned There are different approaches and techniques that can be deployed in health and social care setting to manage and plan change. However, it is essential to identify areas that needs change and improvement. Regarding Beacon Edge Care Home, the areas that need change and effective planning are the management style, Staff development needs, communication channel and reconditioning. In addition, changes in health and social care   have to consider the local authority, CCG, community needs, quality of care and finance available to BECH before planning can commerce. 3.2.1 Management style is the principles that underline the methods, abilities and techniques managers use in handling situations and expressing leadership within an organisation (Moss and Moss, 2012). The report on the services rendered by Beacon Edge Care Home by CQO was classified as been ineffective, unresponsive, unsafe and not well managed. The management style deploy by the organisation is not meet the needs of the service users and the goals of the Home.   The report indicated that employees do not have an understanding of their roles and duties, hence, the management are communicating with staff about what is expected of them. By embracing a paternalistic style of working the manager decide what is best for the employees as well as the organization. The policies are devised to benefit the employees and the organization. In addition, employee play a part in the decision making and roles and duties of individual staff are communicated to them. By deploying management style, employees would feel attached and loyal to the organisation. 3.2.2 Staff development needs is essential to meet the needs of the service users, in the report, CQO indicated that staff lack the essential training to be a mental nurse. And there were breaches of regulation in relation to person centred care, safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, meeting nutritional and hydration needs, good governance and staffing. Lack of staff development through training has led to the health care provider providing inadequate care. There was also lack of effective communication channel between the management and employees which made it difficult for staff to understand their roles and duties in the establishment.   By investing in training and development, staff will be able to acquire the necessarily skills to conduct their duties appropriately and effectively. 3.2.3 Reconditioning refers to an organisation restructuring their goals and objectives to meet the criteria and regulations of sector they operate (Moosavi, 2009). Beacon Edge Care Home clearly deviated from the codes of conduct of health and social care and the criteria of the CQO. Reconditioning will enable the organisation to evaluate the regulations and legislation they have to adhere to meet the criteria of CQO in order to meet the expectations of their service users. 3.3 Monitoring recent changes in health and social care services Effective monitoring of change in the health and social care involves the systematic and analyse of information collected to measure change and meet objectives and help management to make informed decisions (Haluza and Jungwirth, 2016). The monitoring process comprises of internal and external analysis to measure changes. Internal analysis will usually involve supervisors, managers, clinical audit team, team leaders or a registered person. While, external monitoring comprises of CQC, CCGs, Monitor, Audit Commission and Health inspectors. Monitoring is essential in an organisation because it helps to track implementation and outputs systematically, and measure the effectiveness of programmes. It helps determine exactly when a programme is on track and when changes may be needed (Haluza and Jungwirth, 2016). There are various approaches Beacon Edge Care Home can embed to monitor the impact of change in the organisation, some of the techniques are reviewing the service delivery, supervi sion, shadowing, observation, audits, feedbacks, interviews and questionnaires. References Creswell, J. (2014). Research design. 1st ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Daft, R. (2011). Leadership. 1st ed. [S.l.]: South Western Cengage learning. Devorshak, C. (2012). Plant pest risk analysis. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: Cabi. Edwards, N. (2013). Implementation of the Health and Social Care Act. BMJ, 346(apr03 1), pp.f2090-f2090. Green, G. (2002). Training and development. 1st ed. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Haluza, D. and Jungwirth, D. (2016). ICT and the future of healthcare: Aspects of pervasive health monitoring. Informatics for Health and Social Care, pp.1-11. Kotter, J. (1999). John P. Kotter on what leaders really do. 1st ed. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Moosavi, S. (2009). Restructure Conflicting Grant Incentives. Science, 326(5952), pp.521-521. Moss, B. and Moss, B. (2012). Communication skills in health and social care. 1st ed. London: SAGE. Rego, G. and Nunes, R. (2010). Hospital Foundation: A SWOT Analysis. iBusiness, 02(03), pp.210-217. Shore, D. (2012). Forces of change. 1st ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Wiley, N. (2014). Interviewing Herbert Blumer. Symbolic Interaction, 37(2), pp.300-308.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

High School and Personal Hero

â€Å"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself†. Heroes are usually superhero, celebrities and historians but the hero in my life is my mother. My mother is my personal hero because she overcame all the struggles in her youth; she has a caring heart and a hard worker. My mom is my personal hero because of how she overcame struggles in her youth. My mom has a strong sense of leadership even as a young child, due to the fact that she practically raised her 10 brothers and 9 sisters.When my mother was very young, her father had an illness that ended up killing him. Her mother tends to care about her man more than her kids. My mother threw away her dream to become a professional soccer player to help provide for her siblings. Also, my mom overcomes her struggles in school when she was younger. Partially junior high and early high school, my mother didn’t think or care about school and how important it was and she decided that providin g for her siblings was the number one priority.As the school years had gone by her attitude toward school changes, she is more dedicated and determines to get her high school diploma. All in all overcoming struggles in her youth has made mom my personal hero. Secondly, my mother is my personal hero because she is a caring person. My mom is part of the minority who make it a part of everyday life to help others. She’s passionate about teaching profoundly mentally handicap children, a job which may be considered undesirable, yet she wouldn’t trade it for the world.She is also the first to offer a helping hand to anybody any time. She has given people a home, a shoulder to cry on, advice, all the help she can give, and most importantly given someone in need the feeling of knowing that there is someone out there who cares. Also, she constantly encouraged me to further my education. She doesn’t want me to go through the same struggles as she went through numerous tim es. My mother knew growing up she was not given the same opportunities as I am today.My mother reminds me that she foresees a future in me and will not let me give up on my education. Therefore being a caring person is one of many reasons why my mom is a hero to me. Lastly, my mom is my personal hero because she is a hard worker. My mother would sacrifice anything she had to, to ensure our happiness and success. She works two jobs, her full time teaching career and her part time job working fast food just so she can afford to have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and some of the luxuries we may desire even though they aren’t ecessities. She sacrifices her time and energy to please us. There aren’t many people out there who are so giving, without asking for anything in return. Also my mom has think of quitting her job many of time because the hours she worked didn’t allow her to spend any time with her kids and husband. She started getting back pain, eat disorder and sleeping less. But that didn’t stop my mother from quitting her job. In conclusion being a hard worker is one of the most important reasons why my mother is my hero.With all the curves and obstacles life throws at us, somehow my mom manages to keep herself together and still manage to be the best mother I know out there by overcoming all the tough struggle she went through as a young child, have a caring personality and working hard. She always strives to do her best for us, and loves us unconditionally. My mom is the most compassionate person that I know. She cares much more for others than she cares for herself and put in time and energy to please us. My mother is my mom, my best friend, but most importantly she is my everyday hero.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Swot Target Corporation

SWOT Analysis Strengths †¢ Target Corporation is the second larges retailer after Wal-Mart in US. †¢ Huge market share in US. †¢ Large number of retail networks around 1500 stores. †¢ Increase sales after each year. †¢ Target stores have variety of products which includes clothing, shoes, jewelry, health and beauty products, electronics, compact discs, DVDs, bedding, kitchen supplies, sporting goods, toys, pet supplies, automotive supplies, and hardware supplies. †¢ It provides very good shopping environment for the customers †¢ Strong distribution channels. †¢ The most recognized corporate logos in United Stated, ahead of the Nike. Target Stores are more attractive then Wal-Mart. †¢ The top seller of Gift Cards in US. †¢ Target is committed to having their location accessible to many of their current and potential guests Weaknesses †¢ Target products are more expensive as compared to competitors. †¢ Limited visibility in In ternational Market. †¢ Target Corporation brand awareness is low as compared to Wal-Mart. Opportunities †¢ Increase market share †¢ To take on competitions plans (i. e. , Wal-Mart) and focus on opening stores in international markets †¢ New locations give Target the opportunity to be diverse in the market.More and more Targets are attaching to trendy malls in different market segments. Threats †¢ Fierce competition from Wal-mart and Costco. †¢ The current recession possibly divert the customer from high price products to low price products. †¢ In some markets, Target's prices are higher than competitors †¢ Terrorism is increasing; security is the main concern of the customers. ? Translate ke Indonesia kekuatan †¢ Target Corporation adalah pengecer kedua terbesar setelah Wal-Mart di AS. †¢ pangsa pasar yang besar di Amerika Serikat. †¢ Jaringan ritel yang besar sekitar 1500 toko. †¢ Penjualan terus meningkat dalam 5 tahun te rakhir. Target memiliki berbagai produk yang meliputi pakaian, sepatu, perhiasan, produk kesehatan dan kecantikan, elektronik, CD, DVD, tempat tidur, perlengkapan dapur, barang olahraga, mainan, persediaan hewan peliharaan, perlengkapan otomotif, dan perlengkapan perangkat keras. †¢ Menyediakan lingkungan belanja yang sangat baik untuk pelanggan †¢ Logo perusahaan yang paling diakui di Amerika Lain dalam perusahaan Retailer. †¢ Toko target adalah lebih menarik maka Wal-Mart. kelemahan †¢ Produk Target lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan pesaing. †¢ Brand awareness Target Corporation rendah dibandingkan dengan Wal-Mart. eluang †¢ Meningkatkan pangsa pasar †¢ Untuk mengambil rencana kompetisi (misalnya, Wal-Mart) dan fokus pada membuka toko di pasar internasional †¢ Lokasi Baru memberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda di pasar. Target Semakin banyak melampirkan ke mal trendi dalam segmen pasar yang berbeda. ancaman †¢ Persaingan sengit dari Wal-mart dan Costco. †¢ Resesi saat ini mungkin mengalihkan pelanggan dari produk harga tinggi untuk produk harga `murah. †¢ Di beberapa pasar, harga Target lebih tinggi dari pesaing †¢ Terorisme meningkat, keamanan adalah perhatian utama dari pelanggan. Swot Target Corporation SWOT Analysis Strengths †¢ Target Corporation is the second larges retailer after Wal-Mart in US. †¢ Huge market share in US. †¢ Large number of retail networks around 1500 stores. †¢ Increase sales after each year. †¢ Target stores have variety of products which includes clothing, shoes, jewelry, health and beauty products, electronics, compact discs, DVDs, bedding, kitchen supplies, sporting goods, toys, pet supplies, automotive supplies, and hardware supplies. †¢ It provides very good shopping environment for the customers †¢ Strong distribution channels. †¢ The most recognized corporate logos in United Stated, ahead of the Nike. Target Stores are more attractive then Wal-Mart. †¢ The top seller of Gift Cards in US. †¢ Target is committed to having their location accessible to many of their current and potential guests Weaknesses †¢ Target products are more expensive as compared to competitors. †¢ Limited visibility in In ternational Market. †¢ Target Corporation brand awareness is low as compared to Wal-Mart. Opportunities †¢ Increase market share †¢ To take on competitions plans (i. e. , Wal-Mart) and focus on opening stores in international markets †¢ New locations give Target the opportunity to be diverse in the market.More and more Targets are attaching to trendy malls in different market segments. Threats †¢ Fierce competition from Wal-mart and Costco. †¢ The current recession possibly divert the customer from high price products to low price products. †¢ In some markets, Target's prices are higher than competitors †¢ Terrorism is increasing; security is the main concern of the customers. ? Translate ke Indonesia kekuatan †¢ Target Corporation adalah pengecer kedua terbesar setelah Wal-Mart di AS. †¢ pangsa pasar yang besar di Amerika Serikat. †¢ Jaringan ritel yang besar sekitar 1500 toko. †¢ Penjualan terus meningkat dalam 5 tahun te rakhir. Target memiliki berbagai produk yang meliputi pakaian, sepatu, perhiasan, produk kesehatan dan kecantikan, elektronik, CD, DVD, tempat tidur, perlengkapan dapur, barang olahraga, mainan, persediaan hewan peliharaan, perlengkapan otomotif, dan perlengkapan perangkat keras. †¢ Menyediakan lingkungan belanja yang sangat baik untuk pelanggan †¢ Logo perusahaan yang paling diakui di Amerika Lain dalam perusahaan Retailer. †¢ Toko target adalah lebih menarik maka Wal-Mart. kelemahan †¢ Produk Target lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan pesaing. †¢ Brand awareness Target Corporation rendah dibandingkan dengan Wal-Mart. eluang †¢ Meningkatkan pangsa pasar †¢ Untuk mengambil rencana kompetisi (misalnya, Wal-Mart) dan fokus pada membuka toko di pasar internasional †¢ Lokasi Baru memberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda di pasar. Target Semakin banyak melampirkan ke mal trendi dalam segmen pasar yang berbeda. ancaman †¢ Persaingan sengit dari Wal-mart dan Costco. †¢ Resesi saat ini mungkin mengalihkan pelanggan dari produk harga tinggi untuk produk harga `murah. †¢ Di beberapa pasar, harga Target lebih tinggi dari pesaing †¢ Terorisme meningkat, keamanan adalah perhatian utama dari pelanggan.

Friday, November 8, 2019

10 Argumentative Essay Topics on Microeconomics

10 Argumentative Essay Topics on Microeconomics Welcome to our first guide on how to write an argumentative essay on microeconomics in no time. This article is one of the three guides that we have shared with you. Each of these guides shares a particular purpose that will help you compose a stellar argumentative essay on microeconomics so you can get those marks you always dreamed of, saving a lot of nerves and time on research. In this first guide you’re going to learn about some credible facts on microeconomics that will lay a solid basis   of your argumentative essay. We’ve also mentioned the references on materials from which we have collected these useful points for you.   We believe it will save a lot of your research time. In our second guide, we talk about 20 microeconomics essay topics. These topics are relevant to the main subject, microeconomics. To be honest, these issues are for those who can’t stop gazing at their blank document. Now you can just choose one topic from the list to kickstart your argumentative essay. As it was mentioned earlier, we have added some references so you can start researching the topic immediately. You’ll also find a sample essay written on one of the 20 topics, which may give you a clear idea of how the argumentative essay should be structured and written. Furthermore, using this essay as assistance is also a splendid idea. In our third guide, we discuss writing an argumentative paper itself – the outlines, structures, and some tips that can awestruck your teacher or professor. Reading this guide is a must if you want to make your argumentative essay flawless, which is why we recommend that you read this one very carefully. Without further ado, let’s learn something new about microeconomics: Microeconomics is all about the study of particular actors using economic reasoning to act upon their economy-related decisions. In simple words, microeconomics refers to the study of the behaviors of these individual actors. These individuals are, most of the time, decision makers for their professional lives, or for someone else’s business. Economics is a part of the â€Å"Worldly Philosophy† that concerns materialistic matters as well as the material well-being of the people living in this world. Any day-to-day activities that are correlated with wealth, earning and spending income, and resources form economics. Contrary to popular belief, natural forces are not the only factor that influences the climate. Microeconomics plays critical role in this. Due to the greenhouse concentrated gasses – such as carbon dioxide and methane – surface temperatures on the Earth increases. Geologists unveiled this scientific evidence discovering that the accumulated levels of climate change spiked dramatically during the last few decades, with an increase in technology and industries growing. In 1776, Adam Smith wrote a book on microeconomics â€Å"An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations† which was published when capitalism was initially evolving. In his book, Smith described an efficient way of limited resources distributing, which he called an economic system of unfettered pursuit of self-interest. Kahneman, known as one of the first scientists to make experiments on rats, attempted to find out whether the economic theories are applicable to humans. In fact, he won a Nobel Prize for his research, which gave strong impetus to the development of microeconomics. The study was conducted using rates in mazes. These rats were offered two rewards, water, and root beer. Obtaining water was easy peazy. But to get rewarded with root beer, rats had to undergo longer mazes, and had to bear electric shocks. Despite all difficulties rats were running for beer. These experiments led to the assumption that humans also take these kinds of decisions to obtain something better. Over the centuries, microeconomics has expanded so much that it’s almost impossible for a particular individual to become an expert in all aspects of it. That’s why economists divide this specialization in narrow portions of the subject, and that is why the terms â€Å"microeconomic† and â€Å"macroeconomics† are separated. Microeconomic models that are abstractions from reality are built upon assumptions. But these models allow individuals to gather information by analyzing real world events, and timelines. If real life events support the hypotheses, they are seen as accurate and are applied in economics. But if they’re inaccurate, they’re considered to be â€Å"biases†, and are announced wrong. There are two types of economic thoughts that are classified as positive economics and normative economics. Positive economics describe actor’s goals, and aims, along with what is being done; whereas, normative economics explains what should be done. For example, finishing your education is an economic goal, which comes from normative economics i.e. which you should do   to score better in your professional life. Positive economics, on the other hand, is more occupied with the economic performance or the goal’s achievements. Economics can never be separated from politics. Law, public opinion, regulations and government policies, all deliver an effect on the achievement of goals and their interpretation.That’s why economics has often been used to spread political agendas throughout the world and is still used for the same purpose. Education also plays a vital role in enhancing the growth of microeconomics. When President Lincoln passed the Morrill Act in 1861, it allowed the working class to obtain higher education. This led to the achievements of economic goals such as equitable distribution of income, economic freedom, and security. These ideas concerning different sides of Microeconomics will come in handy when composing your essay. We’re sure that these facts allowed you to brainstorm ideas on how you’re going to start with your argumentative essay. But don’t waste your energy on brainstorming yet. We have got two more guides for you to read, which would certainly triple your chances of writing an excellent   argumentative paper on microeconomics. References: Dr. David A. Dilts (2004) â€Å"Introduction to Microeconomics, E201† – Published by Indiana Purdue University Fort Wayne. David Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam, (2011) â€Å"Microeconomics, 4th Edition† – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,_Ronald_Braeutigam,_Ronald_R._Braeu.pdf Libby Rittenberg, Timothy Tregarthen, Untitled Document – Hugh Gravelle, Ray Rees (2004) â€Å"Microeconomics, 3rd Edition† – Pearson Education Limited. Microeconomics. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Retrieved December 23, 2016 from Varian, H. R., Bergstrom, T. C., West, J. E. (1996). Intermediate microeconomics (Vol. 4). New York: Norton. Bowles, S. (2009). Microeconomics: behavior, institutions, and evolution. Princeton University Press.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure Essay Example

Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure Essay Example Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure Essay Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure Essay Regulatory Angola’s ordinary corporate tax is 35 percent, with a reduced rate of 20 percent for agricultural and forestry enterprises. The government offers a variety of corporate tax exemptions, reductions, and exemptions from real estate taxes on land and buildings as investment incentives. Income tax for individual’s ranges from 1-40 percent for employees, and 3-60 percent for self employed professionals. Inheritance and gift taxes are also added along with a payroll tax for social security. The main indirect tax is manufacture’s sales tax with rates ranging from 5 percent to 50 percent on listed product (nationalencyclopedia. com). Taxation: Companies carrying out industrial and commercial activities in Angola are subject to income tax on all profits resulting from Angola. If the company has its headquarters in Angola, it will be hit with industrial tax on its profits derived from Angola and 1/3 of its gross income earned abroad. Under the new tax legislation, any income obtained outside of the country will be fully taxable. All companies, no matter if they have a permanent business in Angola, that perform contracts or subcontracts, are subject to industrial tax if the amounts paid to the companies are considered expenses for Industrial tax purposes. This will most likely be changed, because of the new definition of permanent establishment. This new definition also considers, as permanent establishment, the simple interpretation of services, if made by the presence in Angola of hired personnel, for more than 90 days within a year. This means that those companies that render services will be taxable under the general rules of the industrial tax code. Under the new legislation, capital income tax imposed on taxable dividends was raised to 10 percent. However, exemptions form industrial tax can be obtained from the Minister of Finance for new industries and investment projects in fundamental areas. The tax year is the same as the calendar year. Companies other than Angola companies operating abroad must file tax returns together with their financial statements by May 31st in the year following the tax year. Angolan companies operating abroad must file by July 31st, with advance payments of at least 50 percent of the prior years tax liability must be made by December 10th of the tax year. Final payment of tax is due on September 15th of the following year (somalipress. com). Personal income tax – All individuals receiving employment income for working in Angola are subject to income tax. Taxable income includes all employment income, like wages, salaries, leave payments, fees, gratuities, bonuses, premiums or allowances paid or granted b reason of employment, in cash or check. Director’s fees are usually treated as individual taxable income, regarded in the same way as compensation income. Under the tax reform, members of the boards of Angolan companies will always be considered as residents in Angola for tax purposes. Employer withholding satisfies income taxes on employees, and employees do not need to file returns. No resident individuals are assessed on only Angolan source income. The employer or other payer withholds the amount due and is liable for the tax (somalipress. com). Intellectual Property: Angola’s legal system is very inefficient, and corruption plays a major roll in that. Legal fees are high, and most businesses avoid taking commercial disputes to court. The state owns all land, but long term renewable leases are available for most urban and some non urban land. Property registration is a long process and very expensive. Angola is ranked 114th out of 155 countries in the 2009 International Property Rights Index (heritage. org). The Ministry of Industry protects trademarks, patents, and designs under Law 3/92. The Minister of Culture administers Law 4//90, protecting authorship, literary, and artistic rights. Angola is part of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) convention, as well as the Paris convention for the protection of Industrial Property and the patent Cooperation Treaty (overseasnews. nsf). Tariff: Import tariffs are based on the cost, insurance, and freight value of goods at the point of entry. Here is a look at Angola’s tariffs for textiles, apparel, footwear, and travel goods. Tariff Rate Range (%) -silk |2 | |-wool |2 | |-cotton |2 | |-other vegetable fiber |2 | |-man-made fiber |2 | |-silk |5 | |-wool |5 | |-cotton |5 | |-other vegetable fiber |5 | |-man-made fiber |5 | |.. | | |Knit Fabric |5 | | | |Non Woven Fabric |5 | | | | |Industrial Fabric |2 5 | | | | |Apparel |15 | | | | |Home Furnishings |5 15 | |including: bed, bath, kitchen linens, etc. | | | | |Carpet |20 | | | | |Footwear |0 12 | | | | |Travel Goods |20 | (new. nsf. com) Angola’ s weighted average tariff rate was 7. 3 percent in 2008. Despite progress in trade reform, restrictions on some imports, variable and high customs fees and taxes, import licensing, government import authorizations, the regulatory environment, subsides, inadequate customs capacity, and issues involving enforcement of intellectual property rights add to the cost of trade (heritage. org). [pic](Tradingeconomics. com) Technical Infrastructure: Infrastructure has been ruined due to the extensive warfare. Millions of land minds were set, and there has been little effort to remove them. These landmines are not only destroying roads and hampering the process of putting up new buildings, but are killing civilians. There are 11,903. miles of paved roads and 1,834. 4 miles of rail tracks. There are 32 airports with paved runways and 217 with unpaved runways (nationalencyclopedia. com). Transportation: Transportation has taken the biggest hit from the war. More than 60 percent of the paved road network needs repair. The government estimates that it will take 10-15 years to restore the road network to how it was before the war. The economic sectors will not be able to grow with the road, railway, and bridge networks being up and running. They link the main cities in the country and get protects from one end of the country to the other (nationalencyclopedia. com). [pic] (google. com) Phone system: Telecom dominated the phone industry for fixed lines until 2005. Demand however, outstripped capacity, prices were high, and service was poor. Telecom Namibia, through an Angolan company, became the first private licensed operator in Angola’s fixed line telephone network. By 2010 the number of fixed line providers had expanded to 5; Angola Telecom established mobile-cellular service in Luanda in 1993 and the network had been extended to larger towns. There are only about two fixed lines for every 100 people; combined fixed lines and mobile cellular lines are about 65 telephones per 100 persons in 2009 (cia. gov). Angola Information on Economic Freedom | Facts, Data, Analysis, Charts and More. Conservative Policy Research and Analysis | The Heritage Foundation. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. . Angola Infrastructure, Power, and Communications, Information about Infrastructure, Power, and Communications in Angola. Encyclopedia of the Nations Information about Countries of the World, United Nations, and World Leaders. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. . Angola Investment Guides Angolan Investment Profile. Somali Press. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. . CIA The World Factbook. Welcome to the CIA Web Site - Central Intelligence Agency. 9 Nov. 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. . (OTEXA) Market Reports/Tariffs. Market Reports/Tariffs. 11 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. 9

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Management of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management of Change - Essay Example However, several environmental changes such as global climate change and demographic changes pose greater risks to the effectiveness of Victoria State Emergency Service. There is an increasing shortage of volunteers. Increased demand for work, increasing costs of labor and diversification of the emergency management services. Victoria State Emergency Service will have to undergo change in order to attain comprehensive, coordinated and integrated emergency management capabilities. The agency must use innovative, professional and progressive approach to emergency management by ensuring high preparedness and excellent disaster mitigation services especially in the response and recovery cycle. The critical factors that have triggered change at the agency include the external environment that requires a change in the mission, leadership, operational strategies and culture of the emergency management agency. The current scenario at the organization has the likelihood of causing a decline i n overall performance, poor emergency services and conflict in the organization. Burke-Litwin Model of organizational performance and change can be used in diagnosing the need for change and making essential recommendations for the change at Victoria State Emergency Service. The model contains 12 organizational dimensions that determine how the performance of an organization is influence by the external and internal factors. The 12 dimensions include the external environment, mission and strategy, leadership, organizational culture, structure, systems, management practices, work unit climate, tasks and individual skills, individuals’ needs and values, motivation and finally individual and overall organizational performance (Burke, 2008). Some external drivers of change in the external environment include the changes in demography, technological changes, economic changes and climate change. Apart from the vision,